
Photo Series

Travel, street and cultural photography blog focusing on photos and videos made in the region, heavy influence from Asia.

What are you doing today for tomorrow? - Passports with purpose #PwP

To start with a Martin Luther King quote, "the time is always right to do what's right." Passports with a purpose is a great idea, and a great vehicle for supporting one of the most important environmental issues that citizens of planet earth are challenged with today: Clean healthy water. Such a basic requirement yet so many people go without Water they can drink, and use. This blog post is dedicated to Passports with a Purpose fundraiser to build clean water wells in Haiti. I've never put out a pledge or a request for support before, but giving a little bit of space, and a few words to great cause is a minuscule gesture compared to what our whole online community can do for Haiti.  The money raised from this campaign will fund wells in two communities in rural Haiti, providing much needed clean water.

If you have a little money to spare, please donate here. Aside from feeling great that you are doing a fantastic thing, you get a chance for that good karma to help you win a great prize! Win, Win! Win!




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