
Photo Series

Travel, street and cultural photography blog focusing on photos and videos made in the region, heavy influence from Asia.

Posts tagged free
This little thing called Geocaching

What if all over the world, in all the places you travelled to, there was a secret log that you could add your name too?

I can remember being in Dakhla, Egypt at a tiny roadside bar and the owner had a guest book where travellers would write a few lines or simply their name after reading through hundreds of other entries that was placed before they arrived.  Each person's individual moments at that exact location captured and

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How to afford the trip of your dreams

So you want to travel… The first thing I must say is ‘welcome to the club – The best club there is!' but do you know what you are getting yourself into? Beyond the desire and the intentions lays one of the most fundamental aspects of travel, the ability to afford it.  Most people spend too much time fixated on the destination and the things to see and do without so much as a single thought of how they are going to pay for it.  Nothing in this world is free and once you begin to travel that mindset is easily proven and often tested.

There is no magic formula to copy for the financial planning of your trip.  There is not a spread sheet that will allow you to alter a percentage here or a dollar amount there that can be used universally.  Do not believe that you have enough or that you will be able to plan every last detail.  One of the most poignant realizations is to live within your means; by doing so will lead to some of the most memorable memories of your life.

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