
Photo Series

Travel, street and cultural photography blog focusing on photos and videos made in the region, heavy influence from Asia.

Why a Visit to Arizona needs to include the iconic Grand Canyon

I was organizing a vacation to Arizona, in Scottsdale, near Phoenix and was part way through the planning when I realized that a visit to Arizona wouldn't be complete with seeing the Grand Canyon.  A mere drive to the rim wasn't going to satisfy my desire for adventure, or my curiosity; a hike was the only way to go. This photo was taken after doing a three day hike into the Havasupai section of the Grand Canyon.

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I was thinking about how I've dominated my blog quite a bit with photos and posts about Asia, and about Thailand specifically.  Living overseas only increases my thirst for travel. I see new places and tourist attractions and wonder of the best way to achieve seeing the real, authentic thing.  I've concluded that best plan is to "just get right into it".  Hiking the Grand Canyon is the best way to get up close to it's immense size and rich natural beauty.  Spending a couple of days there, surrounded by the enormity of it and just enjoying the beauty is one of my favourite ways to see the "real" side of it".  Living somewhere new kind of forces you into the culture, but the real experience can be achievable no matter how big a tourist attraction it is.  Living in Thailand is certainly the best way to see all sides of it, but this theory can work in short trips as well, of course the big sites need to be seen, but the glory comes from the magic of the back alleys, or dusty paths where the true splendour is discovered.

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